Belén Martínez Carbonell, nueva Secretaria General del Servicio Diplomático de la UE

La diplomática española será la responsable de la gestión administrativa y presupuestaria del organismo de política exterior de la UE, así como de la coordinación entre la sede de Bruselas y sus 145 delegaciones en todo el mundo.

Kaja Kallas, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission (HRVP) announced today the following appointments for senior positions in the European External Action Service (EEAS):

Ms. Belén MARTINEZ CARBONELL as Secretary General for the EEAS. Ms. Martinez Carbonell has had an extensive career in EU diplomacy, having served with both the EEAS and the European Commission. She is currently serving as the Managing Director for the Global Agenda and Multilateral Relations within the EEAS and has previously held various positions, including serving as Director for Human Resources within the EEAS.

She will take up her duties on 1 February 2025.

Mr. Olof SKOOG as Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs. Mr. Skoog has extensive experience from both national and EU diplomacy. He is currently serving as EU Special Representative for Human Rights and has previously held various positions within the Swedish national diplomatic system and the EEAS, including serving as the EU Head of Delegation to the UN in New York.

He will take up his duties on 1 March 2025.”

N. del E.: contenido reproducido y compartido por su contribución a la internacionalidad de España desde European Union External Action. Puedes ver el contenido original aquí. Imagen de Europa Press/Eduardo Parra.